378 West Chestnut Street - Suite 104, Washington, PA 15301
Call Us: 724.705.7341

What's In Our Infusions?

Infused IV provides a number of intravenous (IV) therapies, supplements, and medications to help our clients with Migraine Relief, Energy Boost, Cellular Support, Immune Support, Hangover Recovery, Overall Wellness, PMS Relief, Metabolism Boost, Fatigue, Rehydration, Performance Recovery, and more.

Some of the vitamins, minerals, and ingredients of those infusions are detailed below.

Amino Acids

Amino Acids are the building blocks of the body. They provide the building blocks for proteins, help the body make muscle, neurotransmitters, hormones, support cellular function and the function of vital organs.

Ascorbic Acid

Known as Vitamin C, it is an antioxidant. It helps protect the cells in the body from free radicals. Vitamin C also helps your body form blood vessels, muscle tissue, cartilage, and collagen. It supports the healing process of the body and helps the absorption and storage of iron. The body does not produce Vitamin C, so it must come from an outside source.

B Vitamin Complex

B1 is Thiamine. Thiamin is essential to all body tissues and helps turn food into energy. It was the first B vitamin discovered, that is why it is called B1.
B2 is called Riboflavin. Riboflavin is also used by the body to utilize food for energy. It is a powerful antioxidant clearing the body of free radicals. Low levels can cause anemia, fatigue, and a slow metabolism.
B3 is Niacin and helps the body process fats and sugars.
B5 and B6 are also known as Pantothenic Acid and Pyridoxine. B5 helps the body break down fats and carbohydrates, promotes healthy skin, hair, eyes, digestive system, and liver. B6 is essential for normal brain development as well as keeping a healthy nervous and immune system. Low levels of B6 can cause anemia, confusion, depression, and a weak immune system.


B12 is also called Cobalamin and is essential in maintaining healthy blood and nerve cells. It also helps the body make DNA. B12 also helps prevent anemia, and birth defects. It supports bone health, lowers homocysteine levels promoting eye health and may help to avoid macular degeneration. It can promote a healthy mood due to its help with the production of serotonin and may support the brain by preventing atrophy and neuron loss. B12 deficiency causes fatigue and bringing levels back to normal can improve your energy level as well as promote healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Calcium Chloride

Calcium Chloride is a mineral the body uses to build strong bones and keep your heart healthy. It helps the nervous system communicate with the rest of the body, muscles contract and the blood clot appropriately.


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and is produced by the liver. It also helps with proper immune system function, building and repairing tissue and helps clear the body of toxins by removing them from the cells. It also neutralizes oxidative chemicals that accumulate in the body. Levels of Glutathione are directly related to health and longevity.

Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium Chloride is also a mineral. The body uses it for blood sugar regulation and to support a healthy heart by helping maintain normal blood pressure. It can also aid in migraine relief, promote sleep, and is essential in maintaining healthy bones by preventing osteoporosis.


Taurine (or L-Taurine) is an essential amino acid. It helps the body maintain hydration, electrolyte, and mineral balance in the cells of the body that maintain the digestive, immune, and nervous system.

Mineral Blend

Mineral Blend contains Magnesium Chloride, Zinc, Manganese and Copper. Magnesium Chloride is explained above. Zinc is essential in creating DNA, cell growth, protein building, tissue healing and a healthy immune system. It supports thyroid function, blood clotting and the senses of taste and smell. Manganese is needed for normal brain function, and the formation of connective tissue, blood clotting factors, bones, and sex hormones. The body also uses it to metabolize fats and carbohydrates, regulate blood sugar, and absorb calcium. Copper has many functions. It may act as an antioxidant, help form collagen, help make red blood cells and keep nerve cells as well as your immune system functioning properly.


NAD+ is short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and has a key role in multiple cellular functions such as DNA repair and immune cell function. NAD levels decline as we age, and lower levels have been associated with age-related degenerative diseases. Infused IV Hydration is in the process of integrating this product into our line of product.

ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid)

Alpha Lipoic Acid is an antioxidant and occurs naturally in a healthy body. It is also found in foods such as organ meats, heart and liver for example, spinach, broccoli, and potatoes. However, food sources do not demonstrate a significant rise in levels in the body. It helps scavenge free radicals and chelate heavy metals from the body.  For people with Type2 Diabetes, it may support the ability of the body to utilize its own insulin more efficiently, as well as offer relief from the pain caused by peripheral neuropathy in both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics. ALA has been used for years in Europe to help alleviate pain caused by peripheral neuropathy allowing for less use of potentially addictive medications. Infused IV Hydration is in the process of integrating this product into our line of products.